Templates and resources for thinking about, visualizing, and evauating product and business strategy models like goals, vision, metrics, barriers, and drivers.
Align teams around project, department, or organizational goals.
Goal Mapping
A method that helps teams identify, discuss, and prioritize a list of goals for a project, department, or organization. Includes templates and facilitation guide.
Updated 528 days ago ago.
Align teams around a single, shared vision of the future.
Future state vision (idealized design)
A method that helps teams envision the concrete, future product or service they want to build. Includes templates and facilitation guide.
Updated 532 days ago ago.
Understand what may happen in the future.
Futures wheel
A method that helps teams identify the direct and indirect effects of a decision, event, or trend.
Updated 516 days ago ago.
360 days ago - A method that helps teams build a shared vision for where their organization is headed and what external factors are at play.
516 days ago - A method that helps teams identify the direct and indirect effects of a decision, event, or trend.
528 days ago - A method that helps teams identify, discuss, and prioritize a list of goals for a project, department, or organization. Includes templates and facilitation guide.
532 days ago - A method that helps teams envision the concrete, future product or service they want to build. Includes templates and facilitation guide.
The most recent email was:
Business landscape canvas (method)
A method that helps teams build a shared vision for where their organization is headed and what external factors are at play.